Bermocoll® E 230 FQ is non-ionic, water soluble cellulose ether. It improves the consistency, the stability, and the water retention of water based products.
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Bermocoll E 230 FQ (Cellulose ethers)
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Bermocoll E 230 FQ (Cellulose ethers)
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Bermocoll E 230 FQ (Cellulose ethers)
Cellulose ether
Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose
Bermocoll® E 230 FQ is used in latex paints, particularly for stabilizing the dispersion state with only moderate simultaneous viscosity increase. Normal dosage is 0.5-0.8 % calculated on the total paint weight. Bermocoll® E 230 FQ is easily dispersed in cold water of pH 7 or less. Bermocoll® E 230 FQ can form lumps when added to an alkaline liquid.To avoid this, it should be added as a ready stock solution, as a slurry in slight acid water or in an organic solvent, or as a dry mix with other powder materials.The dissolving time after dispersion is influenced by the water pH. Alkaline additives can be used to speed up the dissolving process.
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