
As the world’s leading producer of potassium chlorate, we have the experience and reliability needed to serve the demanding pyrotechnical industry.

With high requirements on safety, efficiency and quality of the end products, producers of pyrotechnics are increasing their demands on raw materials and their suppliers. With our supreme quality potassium chlorate, high service level and constant focus of Health Safety and Environment (HSE), Nouryon has proven to be an invaluable partner to the pyrotechnical industry.

Additionally, we produce several grades of potassium chlorate that are tailor-made to meet the specific demands of safety match manufacturers. This is the result of a long and close cooperation with producers around the globe.

Read more about our potassium chlorate products

Fireworks in the night. Our potassium chlorate products are used as a raw material by the pyrotechnical industry.

Get in touch!

For more information about our potassium chlorate solutions, please contact our experts or find your nearest distributor. We look forward to hearing from you. 


If you prefer to call us you can reach us at: 

EMEA: +46 31 58 70 00

North America: +1 71 34 33 72 89

South America: +55 11 45 89 45 00

Asia Pacific: +65 66 35 53 27

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